Sunday, July 19, 2015

Showcase Sunday / Stacking the Shelves / The Sunday Post XLVII

Hmmm... Well, let's see. I put a bunch on hold because I can't seem to stop myself, I had to take a bunch back because I couldn't renew in time, and I finally got my package of books. Least I got some reviews out/scheduled, so I'm starting to feel a bit more productive as of late...




  1. Oh, I've been meaning to check out Scott's books for a while - hope you enjoy Afterworlds!

    1. I'm looking forward to being able to start it. :) Thanks!

  2. Great haul. I have wanted to check out Afterworlds for the longest time. It sounds excellent. Have an awesome week.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  3. Afterworlds looks amazing. I'm terrible about grabbing too many books and having to return some unread. I can't seem to control myself around books. LOL

    Here's my Sunday Post -

    1. Oh yes, I have piles and piles of library books just lying about everywhere. I have no idea why I think I'm going to have all this time...because I never do. :P

  4. You've got a lot of great books in your haul this week. I hope you enjoy them all :)

    I've been meaning to read Afterworlds for so long now but have not managed to get to it. I'll be interested in seeing what you thought of it.

    Charnell @ Reviews from a Bookworm

  5. Still to read my Scott Westerfeld book, this looks good!

    Heather | Random Redheaded Ramblings

  6. I wonder what you'll think of Afterworlds. I haven't read a Westerfeld book yet. And Afterworlds seems intriguing. But with its mixed reviews I'm not sure if I want to make the time for it.

    1. I'm hoping I'll like it. I really liked his Leviathan series...though I never finished it. I haven't seen any reviews of Afterworlds, and I'm honestly just trying to avoid them at present.


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