Sunday, August 10, 2014

Showcase Sunday / The Sunday Post / Stacking the Shelves XXVI

This week's haul... Stopped by one of my favorite used bookstores and found a few treasures. Hope to go back soon...



Nancy Drew 39 & 54



  1. I love the blue bloods series! The books alternate between really good and average but it's worth reading :) Enjoy!!

    ~ New follower ~

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    Laura @ What's Hot?

    1. Yeah, I've been meaning to read them for quite some time. Hope to enjoy them, thanks! :) And thanks for the follow!

  2. I used to really enjoy the blue bloods series, however i stopped them for some unknown reason. I hope you have better luck with carrying them on than i did. Haven't really heard much about the rest of your books but hope that they are good :)

    Sanna @ Fanciful Fictions

  3. Amulet! :D I just have to read volume 5 and than 6 will be out at the end of the month. Sad that'll be over.
    Nancy Drew. Brings me right back to childhood. Now I wonder if mom kept all the books? Hmmm....
    Snakecharm is scary! Snakes are disgusting. :P

    1. Haven't started the series yet, but plan to tackle that this week. :)
      I really wish I would have read these when I was younger, but better late than never. :P
      Lol! xD I read half the first book in that series before but never finished and I don't really remember why because I really really liked it and I know I have it I hope to read those two before classes start back up since they're relatively short. xD I don't like snakes in person, but otherwise, they're cool. ;P

  4. Never read Nancy Drew but the cover on the left reminded me of the Alice detective/Caroline Quinn books I read as a child :) Have a great reading week !

    1. I've never read any either, but I seem to have started a collection of some of the older editions. I just love old books. :) Thanks!


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