Sunday, May 17, 2015

Showcase Sunday / Stacking the Shelves / The Sunday Post XXXVIII


I did another bad, bad thing. I used the remainder of my *alleged* spending money...and got more books. It's not like I don't already have three bookcases overflowing with books that I haven't even read yet. Ohhhh no. I need more. It's a sickness...

But anyway. It was a great price (curse you Bookoutlet...jk, I love you), and while I haven't read any of them yet, they're near the top of the summer tbr pile. 




  1. Haha! Well I don't really see book buying as a problem. My TBR and bank account might disagree though. *shrugs*
    BookOutlet can be the devil. I haven't made an order in a while, but that doesn't mean I don't check it everyday.
    Have you started The Infernal Devices? I loooovvveee it so much more than TMI. Jem <3

    1. Exactly... :P
      Ohmygosh! I cannot check BookOutlet, or I will end up buying something. It's awful... xD
      I haven't yet, but I already own the first one. I wasn't sure whether it mattered if you started with TMI or TID, because I haven't read either yet....

  2. I really need to finish the Clockwork series, I loved the first book
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. Good to hear! I'm looking forward to starting it. :)

  3. Great haul this week! I've been meaning to read all of Cassie Clare's books for a while, but I've only read City of Bones and City of Ashes. I absolutely adored book two but never continued because I don't own the rest of the series. Happy reading!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I've heard a lot of good things about her books and I'm hoping to get through at least handful this summer. :) Thanks!


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