Sunday, September 21, 2014

Showcase Sunday / The Sunday Post / Stacking the Shelves XXVIII

So here's the haul from since the last time I've done this. Once again, I will be on hiatus for awhile after this, at least until mid October...


Three Ways of Asian Wisdom
This last one was more of a freebie/scanned copy from my professor, 
seeing as how the book is out of print...




  1. Guess you really are taking language classes. Lol.
    I bought Amulet 6 right when it came out and haven't read it yet. Stupid...It'll take me like an hour. Lol.

    1. Haha. Well, Chinese is my language class, but the rest are art history (I'm considering Asian Studies as my minor).
      Yeah, I got my copy over a week ago, but I stopped in the middle of 5 somewhere and haven't had the time or energy to get back to it.... *sighs dismally*


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